World IPv6 Launch today 6 juni 2012

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

World IPv6 Launch today 6 juni 2012 IPv6 implementation on today, if earlier we know ipv4, beginning today, June 6 will begin a new system that is the ip address IPV 6, why in the coming into force of this new ipv6, because the density of two addresses and internet device users today, the proliferation of 2 new gadget that makes the internet-based ip address traffic congestion in cyberspace, so that the faucet has been likened in full must again make the faucet faucet you can see ancestral father penjelasanya by following the internet worldUndo edits

When we connect to the Internet, our computer or mobile device is assigned an IP address. The vast majority of IP addresses in use today conform to Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and this is the standard that has been widely used on the Internet as most of us know it.

The problem is, because these addresses (which look like are limited to a length of 32 bits, the maximum number of addresses that can be assigned is roughly 4.3 billion. The total number of IPv4 addresses available has already been exhausted as of February 2011, which means that there will come a point where new devices can no longer receive an IPv4 address when connecting to the Internet.

As mobile device adoption continues to expand rapidly, surpassing that of desktop usage by the end of 2013, it’s easy to see why this is a problem. New devices, at some point, will no longer be able to connect to internet services that require an IPv4 address. There are temporary solutions such as CGN NAT, but these have their own headaches associated with scalability and geo-location personalization.

The real solution is a new addressing scheme, which has been defined as a standard since the 1990s, but is only now starting to see wider commercial adoption: Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). IPv6 solves this numerical limitation by using addresses that are 128 bits long, providing for over 3.4 x 1038 addresses, meaning we are not likely to run out of address space anytime soon.


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